4. Priscilla; movie review

Cert 15
113 mins
BBFC advice: Contains abusive behaviour, drug misuse

Hasn't everything already been said about Elvis Presley's life?
Maybe not, I thought, when it emerged that his wife, Priscilla, was executive producer of Sofia Coppola's movie.
If anyone was going to offer new insight, it would be his ex-wife, wouldn't it?
Sorry to disappoint, but no. Priscilla the movie is much tamer than its trailers suggest. Indeed, it made me wonder if she had deliberately watered the story down.
This is the story of the Presleys' life after their first meeting on an American Army base in Germany in 1959 through to their split in 1973.
Cailee Spaeny plays Priscilla from age 14 onwards - and is convincing as a teenager despite being 25 in real life.
The role of Elvis, who was 11 years older, is taken by Jacob Elordi.
The age gap was hugely significant in their early days because it is seen to cause her parents considerable disquiet.
They are only convinced to allow the pair to see each other after Elvis promises he is a man of honour and only has good intentions.
The most surprising element of the film is that he holds good to his word.
Indeed, Elvis is portrayed as a man-child - surrounding himself with his pals who entertain him in any game he wants to play and not having much of a clue how to interact with Priscilla.
Therefore, she is bored most of the time at Graceland, which doesn't make viewing exciting.
Coppola's film tarnishes neither Elvis's nor Priscilla's reputations. 
Sure, it hints at his dalliances with Ann-Margaret and Nancy Sinatra but gives scant detail.
It makes him out to be utterly spoilt while it paints her as a teenager unequipped to enter his sphere.
But the film lacks drama or even much spark. Indeed, it makes the extraordinary seem ordinary.
Sure, the sets, costumes, and hair-dos are vibrant, and Elordi makes a very passable Elvis impression, but Mrs W and I were left wanting much more.
Or, indeed, the final pip had already been squeezed from Elvis, and there was nothing more to add.

Reasons to watch: Authorised biopic
Reasons to avoid: Stays in second gear

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 5.5/10

Did you know? 
According to Celebrity Net Worth, when Priscilla and Elvis split in 1973, she received a one-time payment of $725,000. She was also granted spousal support, child support, five per cent of Elvis' royalties,and half the money from the sale of their house

The final word. Sofia Coppola: "I thought Priscilla’s story encapsulated something we all go through, but in such a heightened, glamorous way. I really wanted to capture how overwhelming that first brush with love is and how confusing it can be trying to understand a man who’s so hot and cold." Vogue


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