3. The Goldfinger (Jin shouzhi); movie review

Cert 15
126 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong violence

"Can the markets really be manipulated as easily as this?"
The Goldfinger is a cracking thriller that prompted Mrs W to be perturbed about where our money is invested.
Fortunately, I reassured her that our future is not reliant on the Asian markets.
But Felix Chong's movie will undoubtedly make audiences think about the murky world of stocks and shares and whether their dreams could be shattered by the likes of Henry Ching.
Tony Yeung plays Ching, based on George Tan, the chairman of a Hong Kong company that rose rapidly but collapsed amid a massive scandal.
All elements of The Goldfinger are thinly disguised from what happened, presumably because of the risk of a libel suit.
Anyway, it traces the tumultuous career of Ching and the subsequent dogged investigation into his suspected industrial-scale fraud.
It paints him as an expert manipulator who seizes on every opportunity that emerges - from his first cash-in-hand deal to those of more than a billion dollars.
Yeung excels in a rare role as a villain whose networking is so vigorous that he becomes almost untouchable.
He lives a high life while the markets peak and his wealth increases exponentially.
But when the crash comes, he faces a new nemesis - the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption and its principal investigator, played by Andy Lau.
It takes a while for The Goldfinger to grip because the complex way Ching created his empire is tricky to follow.
But it becomes highly charged when it becomes a personal battle, and animosity rises between the villain and his pursuer.
Chong keeps the pace moving and reaps the reward of casting Yeung and Lau, two of Hong Kong's most famous actors, against each other.
There is no doubt that this will be a worldwide hit.

Reasons to watch: Intriguing true story
Reasons to avoid: Some heavy financial elements

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 8/10

Did you know? George Tan is still believed to be alive and living in Clearwater Bay, Hong Kong.

The final word. Tony Yeung on Andy Lau: "We don’t communicate often, but when we film together, we have chemistry because we really trust each other. And I feel that whenever we collaborate, he knows how to handle the scene no matter how I act." Yahoo


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