260. The Killer; movie review


Cert 15
118 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong violence, bloody images, language, threat, sex references

A David Fincher movie release is an event and Michael Fassbender is one of my favourite living actors, so the portents for The Killer were very high.
I am delighted to report that it meets expectations.
This begins as a forensic examination of an assassin's profession, narrated by the man himself, played by Fassbender.
He is meticulous in his detail, repeating his mantra of sticking to the plan and never improvising, always anticipating.
However, the unexpected does happen and causes him to retreat hastily from his stake-out in Paris and, using forged passports and a circuitous route, find his way home.
There he is greeted by a scene of carnage as a result of retribution and this is when the action really begins.
The camera never leaves Fassbender throughout the movie and so we see the intricate preparation to kill through his eyes.
It is also close at hand during one of the most exciting fight scenes in a 2023 movie. 
Fassbender is a cinematic chameleon - every role looks as though it were made for him and yet his films have great range - from Jane Eyre to X-Men.
His first impression on me was as Bobby Sands in the tough 2008 movie, Hunger, and I have been a fan ever since.
He handles his character's low-key personality as well as the considerable physical demands of the role.
Overall, The Killer is intense, different, meanders a bit but is certainly worth watching.

Reasons to watch: Intense and different
Reasons to avoid: Meanders a bit

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None 
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 8.5/10

Did you know? 
A study by the Australian Institute of Criminology of 162 contract murders and attempted contract murders in Australia between 1989 and 2002 indicated that the most common reason for murder-for-hire was insurance policy payouts. The study also found that payments varied from $5,000 (£2,600) to $30,000 (£15,600) per killing, with an average of $15,000 (£7,800).

The final word. David Fincher: It’s practically a silent movie. And he (Fassbender) was able to give the audience everything they needed to know simply by doing exactly what he did efficiently, precisely, and without a single word." Rolling Stone

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